How To Improve Your Email List Building?

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Table of Contents In today’s digital age, building a robust email list is a crucial aspect of any successful marketing strategy. An email list not only allows businesses to directly communicate with their target audience but also serves as a valuable asset for driving engagement, conversions, and long-term customer loyalty. However, many businesses struggle with […]

Benefits of Email Marketing

0010 Email Marketing Facebook

Table of Contents What Is Email Marketing? Email Marketing is the process of incorporating the use of emails in small business marketing strategy. It’s essentially the same thing as sending out mailers, newsletters and coupon books through the mail. The only difference with the other forms of marketing is that this marketing strategy occurs through electronic mail. Since most people around the globe use […]

Using LinkedIn As A Marketing Tool

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Think of your LinkedIn profile as an interactive resume – on steroids. In addition, to information about your work experience and education, LinkedIn allows you to enhance your profile with the following Web 2.0 capabilities to showcase your expertise: Status Updates: One of the best ways to keep your connections informed about your happenings is by posting ‘status updates.’ Status […]

Why Testing Should Drive Your Landing Page Design Decisions

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Landing pages often serve as one of the first points of interaction between your company and potential buyers. Because first impressions can make or break the sale, its vital that your landing page optimization and test strategy works to funnel visitors toward the conversion action. While many companies base their landing page design on what […]

What Is A Landing Page?

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A landing page is a web page that is used specifically to focus on a single value proposition (or offer) for; Generating a sale of a specific product or service Capturing information for future marketing efforts. Why are landing pages important? As a resource for focusing your marketing efforts, landing pages are necessary for all […]

How to Build a Better Landing Page

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Do your landing page convert as well as you would like it to? Are your conversions keeping up with your online sales goals? If not, then it’s time to take a hard look at optimizing your landing pages through the lens of testing. Landing page testing enables you to determine which elements of your landing […]

Increase Lead Conversions on Your Website With 24/7 Live Chat

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Internet marketing is truly amazing and the lifeblood of many businesses today but if you want to really get the most out of your website sales you should definitely consider adding live chat services. The one thing that websites lack is personal contact but that is no longer the case when you shore up your […]

How To Create Facebook Ads

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  Once you have gone through the process of making a Facebook page for your company or brand, you are going to want to create a Facebook advertisement to get more traffic to the page itself. Luckily, Facebook has its own built-in ad making program, so sponsoring your Facebook page is nothing short of easy. […]

Starting Up Your Facebook Ads

18018 Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads work virally, but rather than being spread in a random fashion, they are placed on Facebook members’ pages, based on their profile data – which can make them a powerful sales aid for marketers especially in this current decade, where mobile devices are now replacing personal computers at the rate of 4 – […]

Traffic Generation Methods Using LinkedIn

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In February 2014, LinkedIn opened up its publishing platform to the public and rolled out access to everyone in English speaking countries early this year. It was later rolled out to everybody on the platform. Because of this, it increased LinkedIn’s capability of spreading invaluable content and in turn, generating valuable traffic. In regards to that, here are […]